Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Wish List

If your household is anthing like mine, you've been subject to the 'Wish List' from your kids. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza or just 'good grades', if you've got kids, you've got 'wants'!

This year, in particular, will be a little 'light' under the tree and I'm afraid Hanukah celebrations may be consolidated down to One Night instead of the usual eight! Being a multi-religious family we get to celebrate two 'gift-giving' holidays every year! Although, spiritually we follow a different path. Holidays, for me anyway, are about celebrating our history & traditions ( and food)!

In these hard economic times it becomes even more clear what the true meaning of the holidays should be all about. And, it's not about getting everything on your wish list --- unless your list includes unlimited and unconditional love and kisses! Those I have an unlimited supply of!!!
So, what is YOUR WISH LIST this year? Post Your Reply! Here's just a sample of some of mine:

1. Unconditional love from my friends and family
2. Smiles, Hugs and Kisses (including from my dog & cat)
3. A full stomach & refrigerator for EVERYONE
5. Trust & Complete Faith in a Universal Intelligence that always says YES
6. Being the Best Parent I can Be!


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