Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to School Blues

I don't know about you, but I was really excited that the summer was finally over! The kids are back in school! I've got my apartment back. I've got my sanity back! .... at least until 3:00pm! Then my peace and quiet is over until 10:00pm.

Between homework, housework, dinner, showers, and reading - I feel liked I've been hijacked! Not to mention PTA meetings, gymnastics, chess club, garden club, running club ....... I'm about to Club Myself!! What was I thinking??? Why was I bemoaning the long summer days? I think the heat gave me 'selective memory'!

School is hard! And I don't just mean getting your kids to do their homework! Getting up early - hard! Getting everyone fed and dressed - really hard! Getting everyone out of the house on time - really, really hard! Getting your kids to brush their teeth - really, really, really hard! Keeping your cool and sense of humor throughout - REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HARD!!!

So ... if you see me crying over my cup of 'Joe' - don't worry! It's just the 'Back to School Blues'!

Friday, March 5, 2010


Birthdays .... They come every year. One day you're holding your baby in your arms and the next day they're turning 11yrs. old - as mine are about to this month.

Where did the time go? How did my baby get to be taller than me?! How could this happen without my permission ???

I know we've all heard the saying - "Enjoy it while you can" - because they won't be little forever. And ... in the middle of 4am feedings and diaper-changes it's easy to wish they were grown up already.

Well, as the mother of soon-to-be 11yr. old twins, I can definately relate. I don't know where the years went so fast! So, I am constantly reminding myself of this expression as I 'wish they would grow up already' when I'm in the middle of a homework 'battle', bedtime 'argument' or having to drive them to any number of after-school activities.

And, I am sooo grateful that my son still wants to hold my hand and kiss me. That my daughter hugs me and wants to do 'girl-stuff' together! I now wish they would STOP growing! I want to treasure this time with them and I want it to last longer than it will.

So, the next time you're in the middle of a 'battle' with your kids over 'Whatever', remind yourself that 'This too shall pass - all TOO SOON!